First Let’s Talk Money$$$
Profit/Loss Per Screen – Scrubbing Screens VS Using Screen Magic
- Labor Cost @ 10 Minutes Per Screen, Start To Finish, Scrubbing The Old Fashion Way @ $50 Labor Cost Per Hour = $8.33
- Labor Cost Using Screen Magic At 1 Minute Per Screen = .83 Cents
- Cost Of Screen Magic .13 Cents
- Total Cost Per Screen Using Screen Magic = .96 Cents Per Screen
- Normal Charge To Customer Per Screen = $5.00
- Profit With Old Scrubbing Method = A Loss of -$3.33 Per Screen… OUCH!
- Profit Using Screen Magic Per Screen = A Profit Of $4.04… MUCH BETTER!!
- Up-sell Charge Of An Extra $5 “Dressing” Fee Per Screen Of $5.00 = A Bigger Profit Of $9.04… Now Were Talking!!!
- Loss Doing 10 Screens Per Job Scrubbing Screens = A Negative -$33.30 Per Job… This Is Why You Hate Jobs With Screens!
- Profit Doing 10 Screens Per Job With Screen Magic = A Net Profit Of $40.40… Starting To Like Screens Much More!!
- Profit Per Job With 10 Screens With $5 Screen Magic Up-sell = A Net Profit Per Job Of $90.40… Now You LOVE Screens!!!
Here Is The Biggest Bonus – The Time Savings Of Using Screen Magic To Clean Screens Allows You To Book 2-3 More Jobs Per Day! That’s Not Just A Home Run, It’s A Grand Slam!
To Calculate Your Upcoming Job For Window Screens Go To
Mixing Instructions:
The mixing ratio is 1:9 – 1 part Screen Magic to 9 parts water. The bottle contains 25.6 Oz Screen Magic concentrate which makes 2 gallons RTU (ready to use). For easy mixing use a 1-gallon jug. Fill up the jug with 115 oz water, almost to the top leaving enough space for 25.6 gallon Screen Magic. Pour the entire bottle of Screen Magic concentrate into the jug and secure the cap. Put in the 1-gallon jug in the back of your vehicle and the vibration of the driving will mix it up and remix it while driving to each job. Use the jug to fill up whatever sprayer you are using as you need it. It’s that simple!
If you have a half-full sprayer left just shake it a couple of times to mix it back up when you get to the next job, it mixes together very easily.
Product Description:
- No rinsing with water
- No scrubbing
- Returns screens to look like new
- Repels dust
- UV inhibitors
- No streaks
- Takes only 1 minute for the average screen including cleaning the window
- No walking screens back and forth to the washing station
- Only one trip up the ladder
- Does not make glass hydrophobic
- Shines the frame